Danielle Hopkins
Danielle Hopkins is a financial inclusion professional with 20+ years of experience working with a range of stakeholders in the public and private inclusive finance field in developing countries. She has a Masters Degree in International Development and is fluent in Spanish. She currently resides in Charlottesville, VA.
Technical Areas
youth financial inclusion
women’s economic empowerment
financial capability
digitalization of financial inclusion and financial capability
Functional Areas
human centered design (HCD)
program design and implementation
capacity building/facilitation/consensus building
policy and national strategy formulation and implementation
monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL)
Track Record
Danielle has experience providing advisory services to a range of stakeholders at the ecosystem and institutional level that work to promote financial inclusion in more than 25 developing countries.
Ecosystem Level: Alliance for Financial Inclusion (AFI), Consultative Group to Assist the Poorest (CGAP), Interamerican Development Bank (IDB), United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF)
Institutional Level: Access to Finance Rwanda (AFR), Accion International (GLAS), Aflatoun International, Center for Financial Inclusion (CFI), ChildFund International, Freedom from Hunger, FHI 360, Making Cents International, Microfinance Opportunities, Reach Global, Save the Children, The SEEP Network, Women’s World Banking