What IF

…low-income youth and adults around the world had access to affordable financial services?

…they had the capabilities to make informed financial decisions?

…they had a voice in shaping policies and programs that promote their economic well-being?

Inclusive Finance Consulting

IF (Inclusive Financing) Consulting works to build unity among its key stakeholders (policymakers/regulators, private financial institutions and civil society organizations) in developing tailored financial inclusion policies, programs, and products for women and youth.

Our Mission

To empower women and youth to use the resources and capabilities they have to overcome the barriers they face at the systemic, institutional, enterprise, household and individual levels.



Human-centered design (HCD) to build tailored financial inclusion
strategies, programs, and curriculum.


Facilitation with key stakeholders to build consensus and capacity building around financial
inclusion strategies, programs, and curriculum.


Monitoring evaluation and learning (MEL) of financial inclusion strategies, programs, and curriculum.